Alef Kaballah
The Alef Kaballah study group explores Kabbalistic-Chassidic discourses by the Lubavitcher Rebbe focusing on transforming self and society, helping us discover our purpose as men and women in today's world.
The study group meetings takes place weekly on Tuesday evenings in Oakwood Road, NW11 and are led by Dr Tali Loewenthal
To join the group, please get in touch or call 020 8455 0272 or 07913264911
Alef Kaballah Archives
The Alef Kaballah archive is divided into two parts. The 2005-2014 archive, at the top of the list. Beyond that is the library curated since 2014. Each entry normally includes an audio recording of the discussion as well as the class material for you to follow along in depth.
Archive: 2005-2014
This archive covers eight years of classes. We are working on raising funds to integrate our old archives onto our modern website. Thank you in advance for your support!
Archive: 2014 - Present
Vayishma Yitro 5745 not edited by the Rebbe
This discourse was taught in the week of Parsha Yitro, which tells of Yitro coming to be with Moses and the Jewish people, and then of the Giving of the Torah. The Zohar links these two events. When Yitro, who knew every kind of idolatry and secular wisdom, declared 'Now I know that G-d is greater than all other powers' this was a crucial step leading to the Giving of the Torah, joining the spiritual and the secular.
11 Feb 2025
Gathering The Scattered Ones
The Rebbe said this discourse on Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayelech in 1967. It discusses the verse 'if your scattered ones will be at the ends of heaven - G-d will gather them together' (Deut.30:4) and presents several profound spiritual interpretations.
24 September 2024
Nitzavim Nitzavim-Vayelech
Redeeming The Captive
The Rebbe taught this discourse on Shabbat Ki Tetze in 1985. The Sedra opens with the idea of a soldier in battle finding a beautiful woman, whom he takes captive, and the Torah regulates his behaviour. That is the usual interpretation. But the text seems to read as if the beautiful woman was already a captive in the hands of the enemy.
The Chassidic perspective shows that the 'captive' is the material aspect of life. It has been captured and made into something non-spiritual and non-holy. But the task of every individual man and woman is to redeem it and to reveal G-dliness in it.
10th September 2024
Ki Tetze
Knowledge of G-d and Judges at the Gates
The Rebbe taught this discourse on Shabbat Sedra Shofetim in 1966. The opening verse about placing judges at the gate of the city is first explained in terms of the limits of our knowledge of the Divine, and then as referring to the judges which must control our 'gates' - eye, ears, nose and mouth. Through the right kind of self-control, we come closer to genuine knowledge..
3rd September 2024
Shabbat Chazon (before 9 Av)
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Chazon (Parshat Devarim), the Shabbat before the Fast of Ninth of Av, in 1973. It takes a verse from Lamentations and shows how it has different levels of meaning, including a deeply positive meaning. Through entering the lowest, darkest levels, we reach the highest levels of the light of the Essence of the Divine.
6 August 2024
Two Kinds of Radiance
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Behaalotecha in 1964. The Sedra begins with Aron 'lighting the lights' and the discourse explains that apart from the seven lights of the Menorah, there are two general kinds of light: the Divine radiance which illuminates each Jew, and also the radiance from the Neshama of each Jew, which, so to speak, illuminates Hashem and brings His radiance into the world.
18 June 2024
Moses' Question
In this discourse, taught by the Rebbe in January 1959, Moses asks G-d 'how can I take the Jewish people out of Egypt? I cannot speak properly..'. G-d answers him: 'Who gave a mouth to man..?
The meaning of these words might seem obvious. But the discourse explains that there is another way to understand them. Moses is asking 'how can G-dliness be revealed in this dark world? G-d answers him that indeed it can, because the Essence of the Divine is going to act...
2 January 2024
Joseph Was Working For Us
The Rebbe taught this interesting discourse on Shabbat Miketz in 1972. It explains that Joseph's battle alone in Egypt was actually on behalf of the whole Jewish people. Kabbalistically, it enabled the Jews to survive their exile in Egypt and go free, and by the same token is helping us face our current challenges and ultimately go free, with the coming of Moshiach.
12 December 2023
This discourse, taught on Shabbat of Chanukah by the Rebbe in 1966, focuses on the opening verse of the Haftorah from Zacharia 2:14. The discourse explains the spiritual power of Charity, Tzedaka, the power to reach down to the most needy and through that to be elevated to the highest levels. Through this the negative is transformed into positive. This is also a key feature of Chanukah, in which the Chanukah lights illuminate the darkness, and reveal its implicit light.
5 December 2023
Decent In Order To Rise
This Discourse was said for Sedra Toledot in 1966. The Scriptural text states that Isaac 'planted' and the crops were a hundredfold more than expected, and G-d blessed him, and he became very great.
The discourse translates this into spiritual terms relevant to each individual.
14 November 2023
G-d's Favour
This discourse was said by the Rebbe in 1961, in the week of Sedra Noah. It quotes a verse from the Simchat Torah liturgy and shows that it is relevant throughout the year. The main theme of the discourse is to explain that G-d's favour shines on the Jewish people from an exalted level even if they are quite devoid of merit
17 Oct 2023
Rosh Hashana on Shabbat
This discourse, said by the Rebbe on the eve of Rosh Hashana in the autumn of 1972, discusses the rule that when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat, one does not sound the Shofar. The Talmud says this is to avoid the possibility of someone inadvertently carrying the Shofar in the public thoroughfare on Shabbat.
Chassidic teachings explain a further dimension of meaning: the special power of Shabbat compensates for the lack of the Shofar. But it becomes even more important to focus on the ten verses about the Shofar which are included in the Musaf prayer.
12 September 2023
Mishna Rosh Hashana 4
Beyond Vows?
This discourse was said by the Rebbe on Shabbat Mattot-Masey, 1966. It concerns the concept of making vows, the subject of the beginning of the Sedra of the week, Sedra Mattot.
When a person makes a vow, they are generally forbidding themself from indulging in some physical pleasure. For example, a person might vow not to eat meat, or drink wine. The Jerusalem Talmud asks: why make a vow, isn't it enough for you all the things the Torah forbids? Why forbid anything else?
The discourse explores the theme of our relationship with physicality and physical pleasures. Ideally we should be able to relate to every aspect of the physical dimension of life, in order to elevate it. But often a person can see this would be risky for them, because they can easily be dragged down i nto negative behaviour, so they have to be more circumspect. The goal is the union of the physical and the spiritual.
11 July 2023
Thanking G-d For Deliverance
This discourse was taught on Shabbat 12 Tammuz in 1967. On 12-13 Tammuz, 1927, the Previous Rebbe was given his freedom after his arrest on account of his activities strengthening Judaism in the Bolshevik USSR.
Forty years later the Rebbe discussed the discourse said by the Previous Rebbe on the day he was released, thanking G-d for his freedom.
27 June 2023
Upper Waters & Lower Waters
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat of Sedra Naso, a few days after Shavuot, in 1966. It provides a fascinating perspective on the relation between the Torah and Nature. The essence of the Torah is the Ten Commandments, and the essence of Nature is the Ten Utterances with which G-d created the world (such as Let there be Light, Let there be a Firmament, etc).
The creation of the universe in itself has a certain imbalance, which can lead to negative consequences. The fact that the Jewish people keep the laws of the Torah gives a positive input to the universe creating harmony for all.
30 May 2023
Shavuot, Giving of the Torah
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Bemidbar, following Lag B'Omer (which was on the previous Sunday). This Shabbat was just before the outbreak of the Six Day War in Israel.
It focuses on a story in the Zohar which describes how Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was able to make the rain fall after a drought, by saying a Torah teaching. Other Sages would pray for rain, or even fast. The discourse explains the special power shown by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in that he was able to bring rain by saying a Torah teaching, and how this applies to every Jew.
16 May 2023
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Sedra Kedoshim, in 1967. The command 'you should be holy' (Leviticus 19:2) at the beginning of the Sedra is explained by Nachmanides to mean 'sanctify yourself in that which is permitted to you', which an extra level of personal stringency, beyond the basic demand of the Code of Law.
The discourse discusses the nature of existence, how it can reveal the Essence of the Divine. The path to achieve this perception is by fulfilling the Commands of the Torah and, in particular, making the extra step of sanctifying oneself in that which is permitted.
25 April 2023
Ultimate Freedom From Pharaoh
The Rebbe taught this discourse, which begins with a quote from the Haggadah, 'We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt..' on Shabbat Parshat Tzav in 1988. It explains that enslavement to Pharaoh comes about through a dislocation within the person. His or her outer manifest will is dislocated from their inner, spiritual will. Bringing about an alignment within the person leads to true freedom from Pharaoh.
This step of freedom took place at the Exodus round 3,300 years ago, and it is re-enacted every year at the celebration of Pesach. But it is also part of the process of our connection with our inner selves and with G-d, every day of the year.
28 March 2023
The Eternal Temple
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Parshat Terumah, 1983. The command in the Torah 'Make for Me a Sanctuary' (Exodus 25:8) is commented on by the Midrash: since the text states 'for Me', this means the Sanctuary is eternal.
The Rebbe asks: in which sense is it eternal? Both Temples were destroyed.. One explanation is that there is a heavenly Temple which is never destroyed; another explanation is that there are 'small Temples', the Synagogues and Study Houses, in which the Divine dwells, and so too in the heart of each individual man and woman...
21 February 2023
Towards Heaven Or Earth?
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Mishpatim 1967. A verse in the Sedra speaks of lending money to the poor; this opens a discussion of the 'direction' of our service of G-d. Are we trying to ascend to higher levels of holiness? Or to draw the Divine into our world..?
The discourse emphasizes the latter, as in lending money to the poor, which gives us intimate closeness with the Divine.
14 February 2023
A Key Moment
This discourse was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Parshat Yitro in 1984. The Giving of the Torah was a key moment in history, and especially in the history of the Jewish people.
They were coming face to face with the Essence of the Divine. The dramatic aspects of that event, described in the Torah, were the prelude to that intense experience.
Indeed, so too was the slavery and redemption from Egypt: it was all preparation for this key moment. In the same way our present Exile is a preparation for the infinite revelation which will take place with the ultimate Redemption.
7 February 2023
Mind and Heart
The Rebbe taught this discourse on Shabbat Sedra Bo in 1984. It concerns the two dimensions of Mind and Emotion and the way a personal 'Exodus from Egypt' is achieved when the Mind and Emotion fully fit together.